Title of this post dedicated to Adina II because she likes to make fun of people who make "WE'RE BAAAAAAAAACK" the title of their back-to-college facebook albums.
Here are some fun things going on:
1. I am taking physics, chemistry, human biology & evolution, and statistics
2. I am tutoring a biology supplementary class--the same one I took last semester and LOVED
3. I am eating my dinners at Kappa Delta and enjoying sorority life greatly (Chef Wendy is an angel in disguise)
4. I went to an Episcopalian service yesterday evening and I recognized several items on the agenda: a) Joyful Joyful from Sister Act, b) "Sing a new song to the Lord, for He has worked wonders" from Kabbalat Shabbat (mizmor shiru la'shem shir chadash), c) We read a portion from Exodus! I really appreciated what was going on during the service and I liked the organ. It was a cool vibe. The Reverend gave a sermon on the part of Exodus where God kills all of the Egyptian first borns. He said, most of the time I just skip over this passage because it is hard to understand, but today I will attempt to grapple with it. He gave a few different perspectives of fellow Christian leaders and it seemed like it was a rare thing for him to question a word of God. This made me really fall in love with Judaism again for a few reasons. First, it is the entire POINT of Judaism to question the word of God. Second, we have such a long tradition of commentary that there is no letter in the Tanach without a second and third meaning. I wanted to raise my hand and say, well, Reverend, did you check out what Rashi has to say about that line? Or any number of other commentators? Third, I really appreciated that my Jewish upbringing has included youth group and college services, which both include STUDENTS giving dvrei torah (sermons) to STUDENTS. It means so much more to me now that there aren't rabbis calling the pages at our services or giving us speeches on what THEY think the Torah means. It's awesome that it all comes from other students.
5. I'm working with the Women's Organization At Hillel to plan amazing Rosh Chodesh programming this semester!! Including leading a session at the Women of Color Conference at Cornell in November!
6. Kappa Delta mixed with Sigma Alpha Mu last night and it was epic.
7. All I want to do is listen to country music all day erry day.
8. Being an RA in Risley is A-MAZANG. I love it. I love this building, I love the people, I love the art shop, I love living in a single, I love my residents, I love making bulletin boards, I love everything. Except getting called to do a lock-out.
9. Human Biology and Evolution is a sick class. We are learning about HIV and lactose tolerance and creationism and all kinds of really relevant topics!
10. My position on Risley RA staff is faculty fellow coordinator, so lately I've been dining and meeting with some of the most fantastic/bizarre/cultured people on campus. Did I mention I love my job? Oh yeah, also my boss, Barnaby, is super duper funny.
11. Meeting freshmen is great. I feel like I have such a grip on my life when I explain to them how I got involved in stuff and what I'm doing now. There are so many little Jewish gap-year girls that I am getting close to! I feel like I have a special connection with them, but also other freshmen. In general, I really like the new students that I've met!!
12. My best friends from freshmen year have scattered, but the good news is: we still see each other, we still love each other. The long distance is hard (Rachel and I used to be about 20 rooms away on the same floor and Adina was just below us), but we are figuring it out. And using cars!
13. Babysitting for L- again is great! She teaches me so much about life.
14. Went "swimming" at Treman State Park with Adina, Julia, Maddy, and Sam, and last week I walked up a waterfall with L-, also there is a gorge behind Risley where we ate lunch once!
15. Highlights from Risley: Soul Power Dance Party, Bro Night
16. Currently crocheting a kippah, soon I will start crocheting gold wire!
Basically, everything feels really under control right now and I'm having a lot of fun. I have many problem sets and lots to read, but it's okay because I still have enough time to see my friends and frat it up. Conveniently, those activities often occur in the same place at the same time. Life is good, Ithaca is gorges, my friends are the best, Cornell is perfect.