Today we watched an Israeli film called Noodles in Ulpan. It was not only one of the best movies I have ever seen, it was an emotional roller coaster and left me feeling everything on the spectrum of which I am capable of feeling for about an hour afterward. I was crying, laughing, covering my eyes, sighing, talking to the characters, and gasping throughout the whole thing. It was in Hebrew with subtitles, which was nice, because I got really excited whenever I knew what they were saying without reading, but it was also very easy to follow the plot that way. And even translated, the dialogue was poignant and realistic and sardonic and beautiful. The way it centered around human relationships and yet contained a completely gripping plot was just what I look for in good movies.
In the afternoon, we built sukkot! I was super helpful in construction because I was not in the mood to create decorations. Aaron actually wondered what a woman would be doing constructing as opposed to decorating but that moment of wonderment did not go over well and he was severely punished. Not actually though. But really, Aaron and I got over it and decided to scale the wall of the building where we live, which, upon further inspection, turned out to be the wall/barred window of the synagogue here. We climbed up surprisingly and dangerously high, and then we walked along a banister without much to hold on to. It was really thrilling though, and totally enhanced my sukkah building experience, as did Josh's speakers and the extra poles lying around which made good dancing partners.
I have my final for MiniMester Ulpan class tomorrow, so I really must get to sleep. Wish me luck!
PS. did you see the previous post about how famous we are??? so exciting!
photo did not come through - what is "surprisingly and dangerously high" exactly????