Instead of saying the prayers in Shacharit this morning, I read the introduction to the Koren Siddur that I borrowed from Ariella. She recommended it because she knows about my quest for spirituality. It was really helpful and interesting, and I wanted to share this quote because I love the imagery: To see the world in a grain of sand/And a Heaven in a wild flower,/Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, and Eternity in an hour--William Blake
I was productive today! Instead of going to bed after prayers and breakfast because I didn't have class, I did a NY Times crossword puzzle and went to see an apartment in Bakaa for when

Mama visits in January. I took the bus by myself and I navigated and I tried to ask intelligent questions all by myself. I've been meaning to do this for soooo long! It felt so great to stop procrastinating. And when have I ever before scoped out real estate? Never. Shechechianu!
I got home in time for lunch (the person renting out the apartment actually drove me home, which in hindsight could have been risky but he was wearing tzitzit so I figured...well I don't know what I figured but I got in the car anyway; growing up is a learning process). After lunc
h, Ariella and I tried to do telepathy and we researched it on the internet and everything. We were supposed to practice more later, but the day filled up. I am very excited to develop this skill with her though! We are both totally open to it and I sense success in our future. I'll keep you posted. Literally.

At two, we all boarded a bus and drove for a long time until we were far outside Jerusalem and we went to a memorial service for people who have made alliyah and then died in service to Israel. It was in a forest with a big look-out area and there was an accordion player and several speakers, and representatives from different groups read about the olim being remembered and I read for Nativ. It was a good experience, and of course I love
microphones and crowds, but the topic was really depressing especially since a lot of people on Nativ are definitely thinking about making alliyah and it is hard to imagine my friends joining the army and letting whatever happens happen. (The picture shows the featured speaker looking at the torch, which is supported by a tripod of three guns).

We then had dinner at the Harel Mall, and I had delicious mozzarella sandwiches from Aroma with the girls, and 3 shekel amazing ice cream! In the parking garage, someone had put out dishes
of cat food and milk for the kitties, and there was a cat eating it!! It made me sooo happy! Rak po!!!
I had a lovely bus ride home snugglin with Max and then I was ready for a run! I went pretty far again, and I decided to reverse my route because I thought the incline this way would be less steep, but as it turns out, it just made the last 2/3 of the run uphill as opposed to the last third. It felt fantastic anyway, and I was so proud of myself. I rewarded myself with a purchase of fluff, which Debbie and I ate with our fingers on a bench on Ben Yehuda.
The night ended with me having a lot of energy, practicing head stands against doors, and taking a desperately needed shower. The icing on the cake was my skype date with Melanie! And now I am headed to bed! Lailah tov!
Well, at least I have Ilan's phone number and e-mail address (I guess). Also, I cannot believe it - you are doing NYT Crossword Puzzles - where are you getting them???? P.S. I'm sure they feed the cats so they stay around and kill the mice.