Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Israel Advocacy and My Mission!!!

We just had a two day Israel Advocacy Seminar in Beer Sheva led by Neil Lazarus. Neil was great as always, and we were also given presentations by Michelle from StandWithUs (she was soooo cool! spunky young woman from Astoria and totally smart), Itamar from Palestinian Media Watch, and a social media guru!!!


Because of the social media guru (founder of, I am going to use my blog, facebook, and NEW TWITTA ACCOUNT ( to promote Israel in a positive light. Why not! I've spent time here, it's changed my life, I know what a beautiful and amazing country it is. So I will tell others about my experiences!!!!!!

First things first: follow me on twitter, pleeeeeease!
Second: keep reading this blog! Comment, talk to me about it, send me emails, anything. I am always looking for feedback and conversation.
Third: Watch this video of a Palestinian kid's show! It is SCARY SHIT.
I hope this reaches someone. I was totally taken aback by all of the Palestinian Media clips I saw today (Palestinian Media and I urge everyone who reads this to inform himself about the hatred being taught to children less than an hour's drive from the kibbutz where I am staying tonight. Give peace a chance, people.


  1. Hey Jords!

    I recently went to a Palestinian womans one-woman show here in NYC about her childhood growing up. She went to a NYC Jewish Prep school but also visited her parents home towns and families in Lebanon, and Palestine during the war. It was super interesting and it gave me a better view of the other side. Good luck with your mission!

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed your seminar experience! I can't tell you how thrilled I was to receive your tweet. Now we have to teach you how to embed URLs and email addresses... Your friend Flames' links are great as well! Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. And my name, just for the record, is David Abitbol :)

  3. Oh and katie's point is valid too. I try to see all sides of the conflict.
