Friday, August 27, 2010

Classes, Shabbat, and a Rave

I. Classes
A. Bio
1. self taught
2. hard
3. awesome
4. I chill in the bio study center
B. Human Development
1. sit with Julia
2. videos of infants and children
3. what's not to love?
C. Nutrition
1. prof is hilar
2. learning a lot already (autonomic nervous system)
3. prof talked about fight or flight responses as they relate to orgasms today in class, we all had heart attacks. he's ooooold
D. Hebrew
1. prof is my best friend
2. good level for me so far
3. helped me meet one of my actual best friends, Adina, who went to Israel last year and is awesome
E. English
1. prof talks in a British/snoody/A Separate Peace boarding school accent
2. reading Russian literature so I feel smarter
3. not seeing where it's going quite yet
F. Ballroom
1. hasn't started yet
2. doing it with Joe D so how can it not be great!?
II. Shabbat
A. Beit Midrash
1. pre Shabbat learning in the Beit Midrash
2. one other girl there
3. lots of arguing
4. possibly social suicide, still unclear
B. Services
1. I lead Kabalat Shabbat
2. I rocked
3. the conservative minyan was good but I want to try others
C. Dinner
1. madhouse
2. not a lot of food
3. pareve desserts are bad in America
4. made friends!
D. L'Chaims
1. Jewish "frat house" thingy (Center for Jewish Living) hosts "L'Chaims" post dinner
2. lots of drinks and Jews
3. I didn't drink but I mingled
4. weird concept
III. Rave
A. Getting in
1. Arrived with Jesse, Ranan, and Jake
2. recognized new friend Conor
3. Conor, bless his lil heart, let us in
B. Entering the rain forest
1. climate was 100% humidity, about 95 degrees F
2. very crowded
C. Bartending
1. I liked the idea of having a purpose
2. I liked the idea of having a sturdy, high wooden table between me and potential rapists/unwanted dance partners
3. I asked drunk people to use their manners and reminded them to drink water
4. I handed out beers
D. Dancing
1. insanity
2. insanity
3. fun
4. sweaty
5. they played Stereo Love and it brought me back to the days of Yerucham and Crack Square
E. Leaving
1. said goodbye to our many friends (yay!!!!)
2. used my orientation skills to read the campus map and navigated us to the next house
3. entered the next house but the party was over
4. found a pole in the empty basement and tried to turn upside down on it but failed
5. walked back home to North campus and saw a beautiful doe on the way


1 comment:

  1. that's my girl - telling the drunk kids to drink water. I love you. Right with you on beit midrash maybe being social suicide. There has to be a better way to "study" than with a group of really argumentative guys who might not care to hear a woman's point of view. Love, Mama
