So I think I'll be six
now and forever.
The poem is misleading, but it is a favorite of mine. Since my last post I have had another birthday, and now I am 20, and as clever as clever. So I think I'll be 20 now and forever.
The events leading up to my birthday were most joyous. First, I finished all of my Bio units!!! Jubilation!!! Then on Wednesday, the first night of Channukah, there was a Latka House and people performed etc and it was very nice. I lit candles in Rachel and Amanda's room with a whole slew of Jews and also Ryan, who is not Jewish, so he photographed the event.
On Thursday, it was a busy day. We celebrated our last Hebrew class, which was actually quite sad because we love Shalom, our professor, and it provides me and Adina with a structured lunch schedule. Then Adina and I had lunch, and it was wonderful, because it was us having lunch. Then I went to our last Human Development class with the whole gang, and it was funny and fun and I realized I would miss that too.
Later on Thursday, I went to dinner with a group of Meinig scholars at Vice Provost Laura Brown's house. It was really lovely and interesting. She is a self-proclaimed "humanist," and although she is currently working in administration, her passion is literature. I identified with her and she was really cool to talk to. She told us about her high school experience in a strict Miss Porters type all-girls boarding school, undergraduate at Stanford (where she met her husband the first week of freshman year in the dining hall-they grew up together through the anti-war movement-precious), and graduate school at Berkley, where she met my current English professor, Harry Shaw, whom I adore!
The dinner was truly a delight. It came to an end just in time for me to attend Hillel's Next Latka Chef, where chefs from several fraternities competed to make the best latkas. It was a very cool event, although I did not try the latkas. I was very hyper and excited because it was my last day of being 19 and I couldn't be bothered with latka competitions.
On Friday, I wrote my last paper for English about Forster's A Room with a View, really one of the best novels I've read. Then Adina picked me up and we went to lunch at Waffle Frolic and observed some most unusual characters in their natural locally-grown-eatery-in-Ithaca environment. The lunch was happy happy! What a treat to be out and about in the world!
Then, my last Nutrition class! Not going to lie, Professor Levitsky started to get a little weird by the end. Like, his ideas were always a bit unconventional, but he was too much on Friday. Anyway, it was good to chill with Juhi and talk about our lives etc, because she was my main motivation for coming to class.
Then, my last English class! It was quite sad, and awkward, in the best way. I really had become friends with some of the people in my class, and we really read amazing things, and the teacher was only the most insightful, interesting, bizarre teacher I've ever had. I will miss watching his eyebrows, his hands as they made milking motions as he searched for greater detail and depth, his accent that was always somewhat British but really impossible to place, his sweater vests, his almonds in sandwich bags, his last search in the hallways before class started to see if he could find any additional students to attend class, and of course, the way he graded my papers.
I dawdled a bit and changed for Shabbat. I led Kabalat Shabbat at Koach services, which was fun, and then Andrew led Maariv, which was also fun, but he didn't do the lovely tune for Vshamru, sadly. Matt told a great story in between (actually it was the parsha, it was just a really good story) and there were some bad/great jokes in there too. They also all sang to me and we talked about how it was my birthday several times. Then I went to JORDANA'S BIRTHDAY SHABBAT DINNER! Everyone was there, even Kim (Asian, not a Jew) and Alyssa came out for the festivities (woooo D6!!). The Jewish a capella group was performing and they sang happy birthday to me as well! I was a star, as I should be.
After all, I was French royalty in another life.
Then Josh M-- came to nag me about being in my blog and I explained that I was busy living so as to have material for my blog and I daresay I was not taken nearly as seriously as French royalty really should be. (epilogue: he nagged me AGAIN today! unbelievable)
I sang with the usual singers after Shabbat dinner and Ranan even joined us, and lived up to his name (which means Song of Joy!). Then he and I and Adam and Matt all walked back to North and I prepared for more birthday festivities by putting on a dress and somewhat-shiny, somewhat-heeled boots!
Andrew, Adina, Ilana, and I went to the AEPi Channukah party. I have been to better parties. We left and hiked around Cornell and tried to get in elsewhere (we saw Juhi and Nihaal on the way!!!!) and that proved futile because they weren't Jewish frats so--really--how are we supposed to know anyone inside? We returned via the suspension bridge (exciting) to AEPi and spotted Hilda and Felix on the way, always a pleasant surprise. Once at AEPi, we took over a room and played music from all the clubs that American teenagers on gap years frequent in Israel (think: Stereo Love, After Basdinim, Replay). We were about to die of broken hearts from our trip down memory lane when someone had the brilliant idea to play MIRACLE by MATISYAHU, only my new favorite song.
The dance party was a major success. We whipped our hair back and forth, we showed all our haters love, we asked, "oh na na, what's my name?"
The night ended with a visit to Mews 2 to see my favorite guarders of the sabbath: Ari, Jake, and Ari.
Saturday, I babysat as usual. L was having a rough day of sorts, which is therefore a rough day for me. It was rewarding as always, though, and her parents are wonderful people to be around. Then I went to Shabbat lunch at Aaron and Avi's house with many friends and a few new faces. It felt so nice to be experiencing Shabbat through warm hospitality that I experienced so often in Israel last year. We had hummus and pita and Israeli salad and meatballs and potatoes and latkas and even though there was too much parsley I ate mostly everything!
After lunch, I chilled with Adina and showered and prepared to welcome my radiant friend, Rachel (the first). She drove in the snow, she traversed the Cornell campus, she parked somewhat illegally, she brought me The Fountainhead which is already great, she embraced me and sang Happy Birthday at every chance. We dined with Jesse and walked to Collegetown to attempt attendance at Vodka and Latkas, but alas, we lacked the proper identification. We opted for an evening of people-watching and dairy-guzzling at Insomnia Cookies (we drank a pint of skim milk). At our return home, we tried to watch a movie but Rachel had fallen asleep by the time Netflix had finished loading it.
We brunched the next morning with Jesse, and with Ranan in spirit. We had run into Ranan the previous night while he was on an exciting adventure as part of his frisbee team (read: initiation to the team via hazing) so it was understandable that he was not able to make our early-to-bed, early-to-rise brunch. We collected him for our nature walk though, and the four of us made our way around Beebe Lake, the path newly dusted with snow. From there, Rachel took her leave of us and we dispersed.
I watched a movie in Rachel (the second)'s bed called Boys Don't Cry, with Hillary Swank, about a transgender individual in Nebraska. Ah! Heartbreaking! Then I was almost addicted to LOST but left before I could be completely sucked in by the merciless vacuum of souls that is LOST: Season II.
We lit candles at RPCC and I ate with D5 friends and then went to Ari's concert at Sage Chapel with Geoffrey Chaucer and Adina. Now I shall share the wisdom of E. M. Forster with you, Jordana Junkies:
"The chief parallel to compare one great thing with another--is the power over us of a temple of some alien creed. Standing outside, we deride or oppose it, or at the most feel sentimental. Inside, though the saints and gods are not ours, we become true believers, in case any true believer should be present."
This was the story of my experience at Sage Chapel. Ari is in the Glee Club and the Glee Club was performing and I am Ari's friend so I went to see the Glee Club perform. The songs were religious songs about Christmas and Jesus, and they were beautiful. There were times when we had to rise and most people were singing along so I just stood and listened. I did get the hang of "Glo-o-o-o-o-o-ria in excelsis deo!" which was catchy so I sang along, seeing no harm in the Latin I could somewhat translate. There were eight "readings" about baby Jesus, and the build-up to the virgin birth, and so on. I didn't expect it. I was expecting a Glee Club concert. I didn't feel moved by the readings but I couldn't help but feel moved by the songs. Ave Maria was incredible. There are many people who will disagree with me (but this is my blog and I say what I want): sometimes I feel as if music is proof of God's existence itself, because it can be too beautiful to come from men alone. That is how I felt during Ave Maria, and I became a true believer, though the saints and gods were not mine.
Afterward, we congratulated Ari and hot chocolated at CTB, where we ran into our favorites, most especially Keren! She used the words "inextricably linked" when discussing the connection between social and environmental justice. I do adore that girl.
On Monday, I studied, I Hillel-ed, I helped coordinate the lighting of an ice menorah on Ho Plaza, I saw many friends, I ate some sufganiyot, I watched a comedian juggle and knife while riding a unicycle. Then I went to Leslie's house in Collegetown where Joe and Leslie were hard at work making dinner. It was delicious! I even helped peel potatoes. I was proud of my contribution.
Today, I studied more. Adina met me at the library and then I ate dinner with Eli to talk about my Hillel board position. I hope I am able to reach my goals! There is a big task ahead. It was then time for a Dreidel Study Break, and we watched the Hebrew Hammer, and now I am writing my blog.
I leave you with this:

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