Thursday, December 10, 2009


I will tell you the story of my week just for continuity, but know that the real purpose of this blog is in the title.

On Sunday, I woke up early to go to breakfast a Prima Kings with Daddy. I had a great omelet, which was quite the treat (!!) but I wasn't feeling quite up to par so I couldn't fully enjoy it. I went back to sleep after breakfast, and then I beasted out a 5 page paper for Art History, right before Art History! It was the closest I've come in my academic career as far as long term projects go, but everything was done in time, and I think it went well. Kind of thrilling, actually.

Art History was semi-fun, as usual. Then I ran home because I am the star of the IC promotional video for Nativ!! I am starring as Dvora the Explora and Aaron is my co-star, Boots! It has been quite a production and the planning committee did a ton of work for it. Sunday night was fun because we filmed an intro scene, a scene at NBA (Daddy came to NBA and it was a great night!), and I got a quick pizza dinner with Dad complete with hot chocolate and cookies!

On Monday, I had the usual full day of school, and we filmed during my break between classes. It is crazy being a celebrity! We did a lot of scenes and I think it's going to be really worth it. After school, I rushed home so I could get dinner with Daddy at Restobar, which turned out not to be kosher, so we just ate vegetarian. It was pouring rain out for quite a while on Monday, but it didn't bring me down because I was so excited for...

MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL WAS A HUGE SUCCESS! We shut out (I just learned this term, apparently it means we didn't let them score even once!) the other team and scored 38 points, I think. This was, miraculously, partly my responsibility. When I was playing offense, I caught a ball and completed a play. The next time I was playing offense, I got a ball and completed a play, only I was coincidentally in the end zone at the time!! It was right after a touchdown by Jarren, affectionately known as Chocolate Thunder (a nick name which I hear she has approved, otherwise I wouldn't cite it in the blog), so it counted as an extra point! I am pretty sure this is my first objectively scored point in my entire athletic career, since skating is always subjective, no matter what they say. It was easily the most exhilarating moment of Nativ so far, and that is saying a lot! I was so excited! And everyone was surprised by how little I sucked at football! It was great. I can't even tell you. Great. And my Dad was there to see it!

Not sure if I mentioned this in my last post, but I started reading Catcher in the Rye on Friday night, and I loooving it. Supposedly the world is broken into two groups of people-those who love it and those who don't, and I am happy to say that so far I am a lover. I haven't read that far into it yet, but what I have read has cracked me up. Funny goddamn stuff in there.

If you missed it, I just made a joke. If you missed it, it probably means that you haven't read CITR in a while.

Anyhow, I went to school on Tuesday morning even though I was feeling under the weather, and then we filmed after school, and then I had to say good bye to my dad. It was a bummer that he was leaving, but I couldn't even devote much time to that fact because my celebrity lifestyle was so packed! We filmed on Ben Yehuda at Ulpan, at Beit Midrash for Yeshiva, and around Beit Nativ. It was intense. Then I ran to the bus stop so I could go to Shalva. I volunteered in the pool at Shalva this time, and I got to help with water therapy! It was incredible, really incredible. I have to say, I got a little emotional watching the girls walk in the water who are bound to a wheelchair on land. The woman I was working under said that she wishes those girls could just live in the water. They have so much freedom and it makes them so happy!

It felt great when the kids hugged me and talked to me (the staff speaks English but the kids speak Hebrew, so I am learning a lot from them!), and I feel more natural and comfortable in the water with them. I don't feel like I will break them if I pick them up or pull them around the pool at all. I am so happy that this volunteer position presented itself!

Tuesday night, I had dinner at home after a long bus ride home. Then we made Channukiot at Erev Nativ, and they actually had such great craft supplies! I was expecting the wood plank and bolts get up, but instead they had gorgeous tiles and materials for us to use! It was very therapeutic to do a crafts project as well. I will post pics on facebook soon of my Channukiah. After we were all done, there were extra supplies so I made a sign for room 611, the Pirates' Cove. It is by far the best skull and crossbones I have ever depicted. I also put the skull and crossbones on a weathered and waving flag, with serif lettering around the sign indicating the room number and roommateys. I really outdid myself, everyone agrees.

Then we filmed the finale for the promo video and Adam put me on his shoulders and there was a mosh pit and I was exuberant! I think everyone at IC will think that Nativ is the most uber fun gap year program ever!!!! Because it is!

Wednesday was a long day of classes again, and I have to say, I wasn't particularly engaged in my classes. We had to leave early from our last class because there was a rally protesting the settlement freeze right outside Beit Nativ so the roads were closed so the buses changed routes and then we had to walk!! It was super exciting though, and there was a concert, and even though it was weird that the settlers were comparing themselves to the Hasmoneans who were fighting the man (in that case, Antiochus, and in this case, the Israeli government), it was quite the party going on. While the rally was raging outside, I went to my last Jewish Educator Training class. We learned a lot and it was fun as usual, but at the end we did an unusually funny dating game skit about the different groups that were players in the Second Temple Period. We had sufganiot, which I instantly regretted, to finish up. I am sad the class is over because I think that Mark Lazar is such an amazing resource (he was our teacher). I am going to try to stay in contact with him, maybe, because I am sure I will need his help in the future!

After JET, it was time for beer pong! Everyone turned out and it was a party! It was at my favorite bar, the one with the bookshelves, and I danced the whole night. I also like that bar because they don't make you feel guilty about just ordering water, and they gave me napkins when I needed to go to the bathroom. I didn't feel well on the walk home, probably due to my absurdly sugary diet that day, but a shower and a little pita and a little mineral water perked me up.

I woke up in time for breakfast today, which was a good call because I got to spend most of the day doing research for my Talmud paper on dreams (a comparative analysis of Freudian and Talmudic dream interpretation...pretty bamf if I say so myself), and it was so like a treasure hunt and I was thrilled whenever I found an applicable chapter. I was running around making copies and reading Hebrew and looking things up in big books on tall shelves and I WAS HERMIONE ONLY JEWISH!!!! Heaven.
I ran to get Channukah candles today and ran into Judah on the way and we had a nice little walk around town. Now I am about to head out to a volunteer event at Shalva, but I am bummed about this post because I swear my thoughts were more interesting while everything was going on, and I just sound ditzy in this post, but what are you going to do. Such is life.

Such is life is a shout out to someone who doesn't read my blog. I don't actually say that.

1 comment:

  1. With all of your amazing talents and experiences, I think the fact that you scored points in a football game (even if it was accidental) is the most amazing of all to me. Love, Mama
